Grid. Bodily Restraint.

During the Impressions of Music series, I had been looking at Matthew Barneys series Drawing Restraint (1987- Present), As I had been exploring greater freedom in my movements through Impressions of Music, I considered how I might also restrain or partially block the marks as they were placed on the support without lossing the immediacy  of the movements.

I find some of Barney's Drawing Restraint really exciting, particularly Drawing Restraint 2 (1988), 5 (1989), 6 (1989), 10 (2005) 11 (2005), and 12 (2005). Though I find the Drawing process/theory to be a bit too masculine for my tastes, I find the challenge of literally restraining attempts at drawing. 

Matthew Barney, 
Documentary photography by Matthew Barney.
 Copyright Matthew Barney.

During this time I also began investigating Rebecca Horns use of bodily restraint. Particulaurly Finger Gloves 1972 and Pencil Mask 1972. Which I find much more interesting as a means of exploring the limitations and vulnerability of the body, Whilst researching these works I discovered Horn's drawing series Bodylandscape 2004 which i will explore later but I find really exciting.

Finger Gloves
  [Fabric, wood and metal]
Acquisition Purchased with assistance from Tate Members 2002

Rebecca Horn
Pencil Mask
 [Fabric, pencils and metal]
Acquisition Purchased with assistance from Tate Members 2002

In my own quiet way I thought I would try something similar, the results were interesting but I don't feel like I won't be continuing this line of inquiry. I have already placed a large amount of restraint on myself in my previous practice and I do not feel I want to explore new ways of holding myself back.
