Erasing Blue.
Milsom, P,.
Erasing Blue.
[Pencil, Graphite
Stick, Graphite Powder, Charcoal and Erasing on Paper]
Provided by artist.
Milsom, P,.
Erasing Blue (Detail 1).
[Pencil, Graphite
Stick, Graphite Powder, Charcoal and Erasing on Paper]
Provided by artist
Milsom, P,.
Erasing Blue (Detail 2)
[Pencil, Graphite
Stick, Graphite Powder, Charcoal and Erasing on Paper]
Provided by artist
Milsom, P,.
Erasing Blue (Detail 3)
[Pencil, Graphite
Stick, Graphite Powder, Charcoal and Erasing on Paper]
Provided by artist
Milsom, P,.
Erasing Blue (Detail 4)
[Pencil, Graphite
Stick, Graphite Powder, Charcoal and Erasing on Paper]
Provided by artist
Milsom, P,.
Erasing Blue (Detail 5)
[Pencil, Graphite
Stick, Graphite Powder, Charcoal and Erasing on Paper]
Provided by artist
Milsom, P,.
Erasing Blue (Detail 6)
[Pencil, Graphite
Stick, Graphite Powder, Charcoal and Erasing on Paper]
Provided by artist
Milsom, P,.
Erasing Blue (Notes)
[Pencil, Graphite
Stick, Graphite Powder, Charcoal and Erasing on Paper]
Provided by artist
During this Drawing I began looking at Rebecca Horn's Series of Drawings Body Landscapes (2004)and the continuation of this drawing method, which made me consider a progression of this type of drawing at a bigger scale. I find the large Paper format of Horn's really interesting. The paper is approximately at the size and limitation of her bodies reach, which is then mapped out through the exigent marks made, as the surface builds up we can see both the performance of her body and also the suggestion of the emerging shapes in the chance occurences of her actions.
Rebecca Horn / Tree of Winter Dew Drops / 2007 / pencil, colored
pen, acrylic, and India ink on paper / paper: 71 5/8 x 59 1/8 inches
(182 x 150 cm) framed: 81 1/2 x 68 3/4 inches / Sean Kelly Gallery.
A step that I must take is to explore the use of larger scale works. as a means of exploring the presence of my body in making these drawing processes.