Bringing together Erasing and the freer movement that arose through Music as Impression series

These two sketches began taking shape whilst I was making some notes, I hadn't been planning or expecting these sketches but in retrospect I had been feeling as though the the erasing excperiments and Impression of music experiments were becoming in tertwined, at this point I had unconciously began playing with the freedom of movement and erasing then building up the layers then pulling them back, it was exciting to play with the controlled marks and then blurring, smudging and erasing then continuing the process, finding the emerging shapes had taken on an interesting expression of building up through time, as if the 2d image was starting to come out of the page, almost like a transition from drawing to sculpture.

Milsom, P,.
Erasing Blue Sketch 1.  
[Pencil and Erasing Sketch on Paper]
 Provided by Artist.

Milsom, P,. 
Erasing Blue Sketch 2
[Pencil and Erasing Sketch on Paper]
 Provided by Artist.
