The beginnings of trying to explore Phenomenology,
I have recently been made aware of phenomenology and research that is being undertaken in visual arts. I find this subject very interesting and I believe it may have a significant role in my research as I move forward through my project so I made the decision to learn m,ore about the subject.
These are notes that I made during the listening of
Episode 31: Husserl’s Phenomenology, 2011, The Partially Examined Life[Podcast] 01 January 2011, Available at [Accessed 11 March 2015]
Husserls phenomenology
The partially examined mind.
The cartisiAn meditations
Scribd website, pdf
Ep 31
Kant phenomenology: phenomenon are the things we experience and numinar is the actual reality
Phenomenonology is the study of what appears to us.
This is actually phenomonelism.
Studying appearances but knowing they are appearances of something beyond them. Kantian metaphysics
suggest is taking appearances as given. Taking the stance where
experience is not in regards to the worlds being or nonbeing, but your
experience of the world is a given.
Describing things from a first person perspective
What is it like to perceive things?
But moved towards intergrTing the life world in the 1920s
The life world, humanistic,
Sartre; what it's like to wait for a friend?
Explanation of husserl enterprise, to scientifically ground philosophy.
believes: Non being is inconceivable, if you are certain of a thing it
must be true. But there is room that some day you may come to doubt it.
A law of contradiction.
If you believe something you cannot conceive the opposite.
is not a made up truth, as in not logical truths, it has to be
incontrovertible and absolutely existing and could not be conceived of
not existing. The earth?
Self evident
They ways of seeing Berger?
First contemplating this experience I am having right now
Lots of different layers to it to be contemplated
Departure of Descartes.
All consciousness is directed at something. You do not perceive, you percieve something
Continuing through
Multiple perceptions of an object
Not just linear association,
Transcending the experience,
Horizon of potential new experiences that enter th complex web of interconnected experiences of the self
Transcendental ego/transcendental experience