With erasing there is a sense of liberation, the destructiveness of obliterating marks is very exciting but with the obliteration there is also a sense of new opportunity and transformation. where before my practice would exist on a single plane, all marks laid out seperately, neat and tidy, with the small moments of chance visible, with the eraing those moments of chance are over taken by grander bold actions that extend the chance to greater effect.
With these two works I first made a surface of cross hatched lines, ignoring the parameters that I had previous used, create a sea of actions interwining and made with urgency, then subverting the mark making process of my previous practice, I decided to obliterate rather than make marks.
though this was an enjoyable act I do not think there is very much that is gained from these particular works. they function as an opposition to the position of my previous practice but I felt that the element of chance spoken about earlier could be explored in a much more active way......
Patrick Milsom
Pencil and eraser on paper
Patrick Milsom
Erasing, Layer 1, Layer 2, Layer 3.
Pencil and eraser on paper.