An unfinished silly automatic essay written during my reading of George Perecs "An Attempt at Exhausting a place in Paris."
The misty pathway of exploring knowledge, on one side
enlightenment and the other destruction.
Consider the production of Vodka,
From relatively
benign origins of grains, potato and sugar beet molasse. Vodka is passed through a process of
distillation and filtering, at each point parts of the original source are
removed and the remaining is purified into a potent alcoholic beverage. Though
the removal of unnecessary and detrimental elements creates a pure, clear,
focused liquid, at each stage the refining of the liquid enters in to states of
increased danger, through continual distillation the ethanol levels increase
making it more and more volatile. Until in its final form, the vodka enters a
superposition, it is ready to be interacted with and holds potential for
exalted, giddy joy or violently nauseated terror.
Even its original
state, the humble potato, could cause devastating damage in the right hands,
imagine when you asking a professional cricketer chuck you a bag of potatoes in
the super market, you might be knocked off your feet and land head first into
the fish counter.
A more extreme
version of the dangers of process is the production of Meth Amphetamine.
Here is a guide to
the production of Meth Amphetamine
- If the ephedrine or pseudo-ephedrine isn't already in pure powder form, then it must be separated from the tablets of cold medicine that contain it. To do this, the cold medicine tablets are mixed with a solvent and the solution is then filtered and exposed to low temperatures to separate and remove the inert material of the tablet.
- The pure pseudo-ephedrine is then mixed with red phosphorus and hydriodic acid.
- The red phosphorus is then filtered out (and later reused), and the remaining acid is neutralized by adding a lye solution.
- A substance is added that will bind to the meth, and the liquid meth is then drained out.
- Hydrogen chloride gas is bubbled through the liquid meth, making it a crystalline hydrochloride salt.
- This is poured through a filter cloth, and the meth that is left on the filter is then dried.
- Once dry, the meth is "stepped on" (mixed down with inert filler in order to maximize profits), weighed and packaged for shipment or sale.
(Scheve, T. 2014)
As we have seen in any number of scenes in films or
television programs, that the process of Meth Amphetamine production is fraught
with explosive danger, but its origins are much more ordinary..
“Pseudoephedrine (/ˌsjuːdoʊ.ɨˈfɛdrɪn/ or /ˌsjuːdoʊˈɛfɨdriːn/; PSE)
is a sympathomimetic drug of the phenethylamine and amphetamine chemical classes. It may be used as a nasal/sinus decongestant, as a stimulant, or as a wakefulness-promoting agent.” Hodges K,
Hancock S, Currel K, Hamilton B, Jeukendrup AE; Hancock; Currell; Hamilton;
Jeukendrup (February 2006).
Is a simple tool in helping people to relieve their congested nose and to aid them when suffering from a lack of sleep, but even this
may be used to nefarious effect by those that come into contact with it, I, in
fact have a dear friend who became addicted to nasal sprays until his doctor
observed that it was the nasal spray addiction itself that was causing his
congested nose. He had a terrible time getting off it and still has to use less
stimulating nasal sprays to help with his ravished and congested nose.
My point is that the way is fraught with
danger, blissful ignorance, passivity or in action has its dangers, we can come
into contact with objects that seem safe but when interacting with them a lack
of knowledge can cause us harm, but when we begin to learn and explore these
things, blindly following the pathway into the unknown, we open ourselves to
potentially life threatening danger. On
one side we can follow the path way, edging forwards, acquiring knowledge
observing all, deciding the best way to proceed, using this knowledge we can
start making bolder steps forward but if we take our eyes off the path, just
for a second, we expose ourselves to dangerous explosive situations that might
knock us off the path and into the chasm of tangential disconnectedness. These risky
bold steps along the path are tempting and at times it is worth the risk of
jumping into the mist, because without risk, everyone follows the well trodden
path and nothing new would ever happen. What of those originators, visionaries
and the risk takers. What of the visionary writer who aspires to insight a
coup? Yukio Mishima, took many considered risks when writing his beautiful novels,
pushing the boundaries of contemporary writing, which lead to no less than
three nobel prize nominations but when he took the risk of attempting a coup
d’etadt to restore the Japanese emperor to the throne, it ultimately failed and
led to his decision to perform Seppuku. Some may argue that this has lead to an
almost mythological status, in which Mishima has transcended his physical self
and entered into the realms of the eternal misguided literary genius? So does
this suggest taking these poorly thought out risks is a good idea? Even at the
risk of losing your head? They say, “with great rick comes great reward.” But
it is difficult to say, on one hand you may discover new things, you may even
find the ultimate meaning to life, even if it is just a number. You could free
yourself from the trappings of egocentric thinking and become part of a higher
collective conscious but is it worth the risk? The simplicity of just observing
the world and accepting it as it is has its merits too, appreciating things for
their ‘suchness’ can be delightful and even enlightening.
Go out into the world dear reader,
distil your vodka, cook your meth, but remember to be careful. Seek knowledge and seek those that can share
their own knowledge, but consider this exalted seeker of knowledge, at the time
of writing this short essay, I was meant to be writing about my reflections on
The George Perec book “An Attempt at Exhausting a Place in Paris) 1977, for a
fast approaching tutorial with my project supervisor, in which we will be
discussing my project proposal for the Masters degree I am currently doing, and
I am now too tired to carry on that writing. Have I followed a tangential
pathway and am I now plummeting into the chasm of disconnectedness? Or have I
discussed something valuable? Was the process of writing a risk to my future?
Or will it help in forming the project I am dedicating the next two years too?
Who knows? Whilst on the pathway we cannot know the destination, only the steps
we have taken and the next step ahead.
Wojpob and revisers. 2014. “Vodka.”
Wikipedia, The Free Encylopedia.
Scheve, T. 2014. ”How Meth Works.”, Info Space LLC.
Zadcat and revisers. 2002 “Psuedoepedrine.”
Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.
Hodges K, Hancock S, Currel K, Hamilton
B, Jeukendrup AE; Hancock; Currell; Hamilton; Jeukendrup (February 2006).
"Pseudoephedrine enhances performance in 1500-m runners". US
National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health 38 (2):
329–33. doi:10.1249/01.mss.0000183201.79330.9c. PMID 16531903. ( sourced from
Yenoki, D and revisers. 2002 “Yukio Mishima.”
Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.