Impressions of Music: Music as time limit.
I find that there is quite a strong link to the my earlier post 'Other People's marks' In that rather than it being made by others, the marks are impressions of other peoples actions (music) again this reminds me of Kandinsky's 'New Symphonic Constructions' (1911). Am I making an 'Impression' or 'Improvisation' though? I'm not entirely sure. I suppose listening is a little like observation and thus the drawings are 'Impressions' but it is also an 'Improvisation' in the sense that it is coming from within myself. I suppose really I should be asking myself whether the 'New Symphonic Construction' reference is actually relevant at all?
I suppose in regards to my Research question it isn't as Im not entirely sure what it has to do with actual and implied physicality of mark making, it is a tool of inspiration certainly but is it really necessarily relevant? Im not sure.
Returning to the reference of 'Other People's Marks' it is interesting to see how with each song themarks are taking on different shape, they are applied in different strengths and speed and they are all quite different, which is important in some regards as these drawings were made in a very short amount of time, one after another. Was I aware of the previous drawings whilst doing the next? Of course I was, in such a short amount of time the memory of each of the drawings was still in my mind but only in a peripheral sense. whilst making each one I was distracted by the music and the physical action and therefore wasn't conciously thinking about the last.