dance as a source for improvisation.
With the introduction of music and poetry as influences upon the way in which I am making marks and a growing interest in the Abstract expressionists, I find myself being drawn towards dance as an element that I feel needs exploring to some extent, as with the experiment that used Music for 18 Musicians which has its inspiration from our natural tendency to move our bodies whilst listening to music, my desire to move my body during the attendance of a performance of music for "Music for 18 Musicians", and my consideration of how or what a dance choreographed around "Music 18 Musicians" might be like, I think it is necessary to illuminate my interest in dance and particularly modern dance.
I have a long held guilty pleasure for dance, which I feel has a very strong link to my love of art, music and generalized expression and experience of of thought and emotion without the use of language, is this tacit knowledge?. Which in my recent research into research methodologies has a place in the naturalistic approach to the practice led methodology. (Gray and Malins 2004 pp72-73),
I have a long held guilty pleasure for dance, which I feel has a very strong link to my love of art, music and generalized expression and experience of of thought and emotion without the use of language, is this tacit knowledge?. Which in my recent research into research methodologies has a place in the naturalistic approach to the practice led methodology. (Gray and Malins 2004 pp72-73),
I am particularly interested the choreographer and dancer Martha Graham, whose philosophy I believe can be described well through this quote;
"According to Martha Graham’s philosophy, movement is generated from
three places: the action of contraction and release, the pelvis, and the
emotional inner self. The contraction, or strong pulling back and
curving of the torso, and the release of this movement by returning to a
straight torso are symbolic of the dichotomies in life. It is the
contrast between desire and duty, between fear and courage, between
weakness and strength." (Giguere 2014)
of course this philosophy refers to dance, Martha Grahams exploration of the contrast of "Dichotomies of life", where a movement can describe the contrast of two opposed states, moving between the two states, from contraction to release in one flowing movement is an exciting thought when considered in relation to painting or drawing, it makes me think of Jackson Pollocks drip painting technique. where we see the place of impact or contact where the paint leaves pollocks brush/stick and travels through the air, on to and across the canvas, the momentum of his body and where energy is expelled then retracted visible in the record that is the mark on the canvas. [Accessed 22/02/2014]
Giguere, M,. 2014. Martha Graham – The Graham Technique:This is an excerpt from Beginning Modern Dance by Miriam Giguere. Human Kinetics [accessed 22/02/2014]
Grey, C and Malins, J,. 2004. Visualizing Research: A Guide to the Research Process in Art and Design.England: Ashgate Publishing Limited